Veggies are good for you – we’ve heard it time and time again. Sure, they’re low in fat, salt, and sugar…but do you really know why they're so good for you? By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly why vegetables are good for you.

Vegetables are packed full of vitamins and minerals
Did you know deficiencies in vitamins’ D, B12, E, A, along with minerals’ magnesium, iodine, calcium are some of America’s most common deficiencies? Vital for optimal health and well-being, there are many suffering from deficiencies! The body cannot create vitamins and minerals, apart from vitamin D which is more like a hormone than a vitamin. So where do we get these vital sources? That’s right - VEGETABLES.
Vegetables help alkalize the body
Humans require a serum pH of roughly 7.4 and vegetables go a long way in helping the body maintain this tightly regulated state. Acidity is bad news and provides opportunistic organisms like yeast and fungus a thriving environment. Eating alkaline vegetables however, acts as a buffer and safeguards your body.
Vegetables are jam-packed with phytonutrients
Vegetables contain thousands of phytonutrients in minute quantities. The benefits of consuming phytonutrients is absolutely enormous, and probably more so than is currently documented in the literature. Research has attributed certain phytochemicals to play key roles in the following:
Cancer Risk Reduction
Neuroprotective Qualities
Upregulation of Detoxification Pathways
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Improved Mineral Absorption
Body Systems and Organ Protection
Vegetables help revitalize the digestive system
Touted for their fiber content, vegetables are incredibly important for elimination, the health of the colon, and those beneficial gut bacteria. Regular elimination makes sure we are constantly dumping toxins, excess hormones, and mucus. Otherwise, these nasties can end up being reabsorbed and wreak havoc on your overall state and well-being. Our bodies are not meant to recycle toxins! Prebiotic fiber, as in fiber from chicory root, garlic, onions, shallots, leeks, and cabbage, acts as a food source for beneficial bacteria in your gut and can aid in rebalancing gut dysbiosis.

So there you have it; and now you know why vegetables don't require advertising!