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About Chinese Medicine & the Integrative Model

Acupuncture Health Center


Acuheart’s unique integrative approach to traditional Chinese medicine involves the 3 main areas. Using our 3-tiered approach, acupuncture health center in San Diego is able to address complex health issues naturally and painlessly. Acupuncture clinic near me in San Diego with functional blood chemistry as a per-patient blueprint, our treatments and ongoing nutritional supplements and diet guides help to both relieve current conditions and continue to improve and sustain good health in specific ways for different patient needs

Acupuncture is an art

There are hundreds of forms and its as unique as the practitioner.  China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan have their and different styles and I have learned from different Masters. From Japanese to Korean and of course Chinese. As new science comes out, or research and studies regarding acupuncture, then I too have adapted. Know this. You will get the latest, most advanced protocols when it comes to acupuncture clinic near me and of course I use only the best protocols in the trade.

Functional Blood Chemistry, or the Comprehensive Wellness Profile as it’s called by DirectLabs (our lab of choice), is a report that shows data about your personal body’s specific organ issues, allergies, fats and sugars, all organs including expanded thyroid according to latest research in Japan and Europe. Important information that gives us a blueprint for treating current symptoms or conditions. This is the start-up basic panel. It is 5 times expanded from a typical blood panel from an HMO model. We may also choose other tests to view hormone evaluations, gut dysbiosis, auto-immune and so much more.

Herbal and Nutritional supplements have been blended for thousands of years. I choose Evergreen, Kan because they do their own clinical studies and test their herbs for purity.  No other herbal medical Pharm. has studied herb nutrition outside of Asia. Only Europe comes close and sadly America is below the target of use of healing plants as part of daily use.


Why Evergreen Has their own studies on how to use herbs with western pharmaceuticals! If you wanted options for blood pressure issues or any other prescription, this company has done extensive research. Here in the U.S.!

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