For years, I had this gnawing urge that the metal inside my mouth shouldn't be there, that perhaps it was in some way connected to and part of my ever growing woes, that I should ld have it removed - guess that was my intuition. I pushed the urge aside, for other illegitimate ego-driven counters: I don't have time. It's not necessary. I couldn't afford that. I don't know how to do that. They're perfectly, safe.. right? I suppose I was just trying to convince myself the metal housed in my mouth for more than a decade couldn't possibly have a role to play... or was I feeding into centuries worth of practice and propaganda... refusing to question the reality of my circumstances? Year after year, my list of symptoms grew without reasonable explanation. I was 22 going on 68. Desperate for answers, I kept hopping doctors, insisting for answers, any indication for my mysterious illnesses. Eventually, I turned up positive for a previously negative ANA panel. Yes, ANSWERS, I thought; I'm finally making progress. But the situation quickly revealed answers were further away - not closer. More exams became messy, revealing I was "positive" for multiple autoimmune disorders without definitive diagnoses or reasonable explanations. I began digging. Article after article. Book after book. There had to be an explanation. I began discovering the links associated with amalgams and autoimmunity and its role in other inflammatory diseases. Here I was, back to the metal inside my mouth... During my next trip to the dentist I inquired about Amalgam removal. The staff informed me there is no way to remove them and proceeded to unconvincingly and vaguely explain why. According to a quick Google search, removing amalgams, granted risky, were very much possible. I sought another dentist. This time I was told it was possible but there was no chance of insurance covering the procedure, even per the request of a physician for health concerns. Unable to afford the procedure, I backed off. Meanwhile, my health began to decline at an exponential rate. I was starting to feel hopeless and felt like I was on a never-ending carousel ride with conventional medicine approaches, so I hoped off the ride and (unknowing what would come next ) opted for a more holistic, alternative approach. I spent weeks online, searching for practitioners. I read thousands of reviews on multiple platforms for practices all over southern California before intuition brought me to the doorstep of Acuheart. There are no words to describe the depletion I was experiencing upon my first visit with Patricia. I had zero idea what to expect. In fact, I didn't know the first THING about acupuncture but that didn't matter. Within mere minutes of being with Patricia, I knew my heart had led me to the right place. Patricia was the healer I had been searching for my entire life. In that moment, I realized the doctor and the healer are not synonymous. Honestly, I could have cried during my first visit, after how long I waited for someone to take a deep-hearted interest in my symptoms, give confirmation that my experience was not normal, and revitalize my hope, my will to live. Internal and external environmental assessments and considerations were made as well as a comprehensive overview of my symptoms. Unsuspectingly, I was asked to open my mouth during that visit with Patricia. I could immediately sense the fear in Patricia at the sight of my mouthful of amalgams. She insisted I have them removed and I thought, wow, here I am again.... this is yet another universal signal that the amalgams could not remain any longer. I deferred my long-anticipated desire of attending graduate school and within two months, I had all of my amalgams safely removed (by a biological dentist, of course). Several questioned the likelihood my amalgams were causing any health issues and that I would see any marked difference in my health, that it could be nothing more than a marketing ploy. I knew better. I trusted my body more than their criticisms. I trusted Patricia. Within the first two amalgam removals and replacements, I could FEEL and SEE a difference. The following day life returned to my lip closest to the removed amalgams. I couldn't recall a time my lips weren't dried, cracked, and bleeding, and here my lower lip was: plump, not cracked, and not bleeding. After removal, I underwent a forced chelation challenge to assess my heavy metal exposure: long and behold, mercury was my body's number one offender. Since amalgams are comprised of 50% mercury, I suppose this wasn't much of a shock. My body had been trying to alert me for years, and finally, I responded. Fast forward months down the road and my symptoms continue to fade while my health continues to improve. Acupuncture has become monumental in my healing, and I wouldn't dare miss an appointment. Acupuncture is a painless, natural approach, with immense benefits that speak for itself. It has been one year since I began receiving acupuncture and the progress I have made is beyond me. I was virtually bed-ridden, suffering from every symptom that accompanies mercurial poisoning. With acupuncture, my immune system has strengthened - very rarely am I sick these days! It has significantly toned down my systemic inflammation and I am in less pain. My detoxification pathways are supported. My hair and nails are growing for the first time since I was a child. I have clarity of thought. I am dreaming again. I am LIVING again. Acupuncture has rewired my body and I could not live without it, or Patricia!!! So with that being said, listen to your body. ALWAYS listen to your body. Know that symptoms are NOT normal. Work with someone you trust, get to the root, and support your body!